“It’s magic,” the chief cook concluded, in awe.
“No, not magic,” the ship’s doctor replied.
“It’s much more. It’s mathematics.”
David Brin, Glory Season (1993)
Participation in research projects
2021-2024 Principal Investigator “Predicting functional outcome in schizophrenia from multimodal neuroimaging and clinical data.” AZV grant NU21-08-00432
2021-2024 Principal Investigator “Characterizing state repertoire and dynamics of spontaneous brain activity by neuroimaging methods.” GACR 21-32608S
2021-2023 Principal Investigator “Network modelling of complex systems: from correlation graphs to information hypergraphs.” GACR 21-17211S
2019-2021 Principal Investigator “Timing of the spatial scene processing in the dorsal and ventral visual stream of the human brain.” Czech Science Foundation grant GA19-11753S
2019-2021 Principal Investigator “Modelling and analyses of complex systems for safety of critical infrastructures”, subproject of the National Competence Center – Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence, TN01000024
2017-2020 Principal Investigator “Functional and structural reorganization of brain networks after stroke: implications for diagnosis and therapy of associated comorbidities.” AZV grant NV17-28427A
2016-2018 Principal Investigator “Prediction of therapeutic response in patients with depressive disorder by means of new methods of EEG analysis.” AZV grant NV15-33250A
2015-2018 Principal Investigator “Graph-theory approach to complex organization and dynamics of human epileptic networks: implications for epilepsy surgery planning.”AZV grant NV15-29835A
2014-2016 “Dynamics and critical behaviour of neuronal populations and their role in transition to epileptic seizure”, GACR No. 14-02634S
2013-2015 Coordinator & Principal Investigator: “Personality and spontaneous brain activity during rest and movie watching: relation and structural determinants ”, GACR No. 13-23940S
2011-2013 “Interactions, information transfer and complex structures in the dynamics of changing climate” GACR, P103/11/J068
2010-2012 “The BrainSync project: Large scale interactions in brain networks and their breakdown in brain diseases“ (EU FP7 grant, Project Number: 200728)