Diana Piguet's papers and manuscripts


Peter Allen, Julia Böttcher, Dennis Clemens, Jan Hladký, Diana Piguet, Anusch Taraz: The tree packing conjecture for trees of almost linear maximum degree




Jan Hladky, Ping Hu, Diana Piguet: Tilings in graphons
European Journal of Combinatorics 93, (2021), 103284, [arXiv], [published]
(A summary of this paper and of "Matching polytons" appeared in the Proceedings of of Eurocomb 2017, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics; [link], coauthored by M. Dolezal, J. Hladky, P. Hu,)


Tereza Klimošová, Diana Piguet, Václav Rozhoň: A version of the Loebl-Komlós-Sós conjecture for skewed trees
special issue of European Journal on Combinatorics for EUROCOMB'17, [arXiv], [published]
(extended abstract appeared in proceedings of Eurocomb 2017, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics; [link])


Peter Allen, Julia Böttcher, Jan Hadký Diana Piguet: Packing degenerate graphs
Advances in Mathematics 354, (2019), 106739, [ArXiv], [published]
(extended abstract appeared in proceedings of Eurocomb 2017, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics; [link])

Jan Hladky, Ping Hu, Diana Piguet: Komlós's tiling theorem via graphon covers
Journal of Graph Theory, 90 (1), 2019, 24-45 [arXiv]; [published]

Diana Piguet, Maria Saumell: A median-type condition for graph tiling
European Journal of Combinatorics 77, 90-101; [arXiv];[published]
(extended abstract appeared in proceedings of Eurocomb 2017, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics; [link])


J. Hladky, J. Komlos, D. Piguet, M. Simonovits, M. Stein, E. Szemeredi: The approximate Loebl-Komlos-Sos Conjecture I: The sparse decomposition
SIAM J. Discrete Math., 31(2), 945-982; [arXiv], [published]

J. Hladky, J. Komlos, D. Piguet, M. Simonovits, M. Stein, E. Szemeredi: The approximate Loebl-Komlos-Sos Conjecture II: The rough structure of LKS graphs
SIAM J. Discrete Math., 31(2), 983-1016; [arXiv], [published]

J. Hladky, J. Komlos, D. Piguet, M. Simonovits, M. Stein, E. Szemeredi: The approximate Loebl-Komlos-Sos Conjecture III: The finer structure of LKS graphs
SIAM J. Discrete Math., 31(2), 1017-1071; [arXiv], [published]

J. Hladky, J. Komlos, D. Piguet, M. Simonovits, M. Stein, E. Szemeredi: The approximate Loebl-Komlos-Sos Conjecture IV: Embedding techniques and the proof of the main result
SIAM J. Discrete Math., 31(2), 1072-1148; [arXiv], [published]

(Here is a slightly out-dated merged version of the 4 papers above: [arXiv])


J. Bottcher, J. Hladky, D. Piguet, A. Taraz: An approximate version of the Tree Packing Conjecture
Israel Journal of Mathematics, 211 (1) (2016), 391-446; [arXiv], [published]
(extended abstract appeared in the proceedings of RANDOM 2014; [link])

J. Hladky, D. Piguet: Loebl-Komlos-Sos Conjecture: dense case
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 116 (2016), 123-190; [arXiv], [published]
(extended abstract coauthored by O. Cooley appeared in proceedings of Eurocomb 2009, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics; [link])


J. Hladky, D. Piguet, M. Simonovits, M. Stein, E. Szemeredi: The approximate Loebl-Komlos-Sos conjecture and embedding trees in sparse graphs
Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences, 22 (2015) pages 1-11; [arXiv], [published]

P. Allen, J. Bottcher, J. Hladky, D. Piguet: A density Corradi-Hajnal theorem
Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 67(2015), 721-758; [arXiv] (where you can also find auxiliary computer algebra files); [published]
(extended abstract appeared in proceedings of Eurocomb 2011, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics; [link])


P. Allen, J. Bottcher, J. Hladky, D. Piguet: An extension of Turan's Theorem, uniqueness and stability
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 21 (4) (2014), paper P4.5, 11 pages; [arXiv], [published]


D. Kuhn, D. Osthus, D. Piguet: Embedding cycles of given length in oriented graphs
European Journal of Combinatorics, 34 (2013), 495-501; [arXiv], [published]

P. Allen, J. Bottcher, J. Hladky, D. Piguet: Turannical hypergraphs
Random Structures and Algorithms, 42(1) (2013), 29-58; [arXiv], [published]


J. Bottcher, J. Hladky, D. Piguet: The tripartite Ramsey number for trees
Journal of Graph Theory, 69 (3) (2012), 264-300; [arXiv], [published]
(extended abstract appeared in proceedings of Eurocomb 2009, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics; [link])

D. Piguet, M. Stein: An approximate version of the Loebl-Komlos-Sos conjecture
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, series B, 102 (2012), 102-125; [arXiv], [published]


D. Piguet, M. Stein: The Loebl-Komlos-Sos conjecture for trees of diameter 5 and certain caterpillars
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 15 (2008), R106; [published]


D. Piguetova: A canonical Ramsey-type theorem for finite subsets of N
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, 44,2 (2003), 235-243; [published]